Does the Digital Agency have "human resources"?Building a mechanism of "revolving door" that occupies success or failure

Does the Digital Agency have "human resources"?Building a mechanism of "revolving door" that occupies success or failure

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    Does the Digital Agency have "human resources"?Building a mechanism of "revolving door" that occupies success or failure

    The Digital Agency is scheduled to be launched on September 1, 2021 as an important policy of the Kan Cabinet to digitize the government.It is said that the administrative that is prominent in vertical division will be streamed by the use of IT, and specifically, it is necessary to promote My Number, unification of the national and local governments, online the administrative procedures, and change the corona.The execution of so -called DX (digital transformation), such as IT innovation in the education field, is assumed.On the other hand, how to do the human resources to do is not clear.The Digital Agency's initiatives will be explained, including measures implemented by the United States from the viewpoint of recruitment of human resources.

    Writing: Shinya Tomonaga

    Writing: Shinya Tomonaga

    After developing a core system for the manufacturing industry, he has been engaged in the editing and writer business of corporate IT.He has a strength in writing based on the knowledge of corporate management, such as finance and supply chain.Industry 4.Focus on global changes in the manufacturing industry, such as 0, the transition from Systems of Records (SOR) to Systems of EngageMent (SOE), and crowd shift of information systems.Giant IT companies such as GAFA are collecting and transmitting information on changes in industries led by technology, such as repainting existing frameworks such as finance, distribution and retailing, and services.

    1. "Revolving Door" expected in the establishment of the Digital Agency
    2. リボルビングドアで成功させた米国PIFの取り組み
    3. 人材募集から見えること
    4. デジタル人材不足という長期的課題の解決も視野に

    "Revolving Door" expected in the establishment of the Digital Agency

    リボルビングドアで成功させた米国PIFの取り組み米国の官公庁でリボルビングドアを実践する組織の例組織名創設内容PIF(大統領イノベーションフェローズ)2012年8月数カ月を目安とする短期間で政府の重点的なIT プロジェクトでイノベーションを実現する18F2014年3月政府機関にリーンスタートアップの実践手法を教示するUSDS(米国デジタルサービス)2014年8月大統領の掲げる主要政策を実現するため、指揮の方向転換が必要な政府 IT 事業に加わり指導するATC(米テクノロジー評議会)2017年5月各政府機関によるデジタルサービスの構想、戦略、方向性を調整する(出典:著者作成)政府・官公庁・学校教育IT ジャンルのトピックス

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    Does the Digital Agency have