I bought a speaker equipped with Alexa, so when I asked the editor -in -chief about the recommended skills, I used it for "hometown tax payment".

I bought a speaker equipped with Alexa, so when I asked the editor -in -chief about the recommended skills, I used it for "hometown tax payment".

"With a voice" is good.

Do you use a smart speaker to be operated by voice?There are many Sumaspi users in the gizmodes editorial department, and they all use their favorite Sumaspi.

And I also purchased Amazon's smart speaker "Echo Dot"!The voice assistant is Alexa.Now I ask for "Alexa, 3 minutes" when brewing tea, and listen to the weather forecast before going out.I'm doing ...

"Well, maybe I can't use Alexa too much ...?"

I thought.

Because Alexa is equivalent to the app that is called a smartphone.By adding skills, Alexa can do more and more.But I don't have any Alexa and skills ...North Skill Alexa!

Editor -in -chief, recommended skill?

I decided to let the person in the editorial department teach me some recommended skills, so I went to the Gizmodo editorial department with my beloved Echo dot.Then, just Alexa user Oda.

Oh, I bought Echo Dot.This form and size are good.

That's right.I was attracted to this compactness and chose Echo Dot.However, I can't use it very much at the moment, and I can use it only for timer, weather forecast, or music playback.Do you have any recommended skills?

There are various things.Recently, I have been using the skills of the forgotten tag "TILE".If you put TILE on the surroundings and link Alexa, for example, "Alexa, lock the key with tiles" will sound.

In this case, you can easily find keys, wallets, things that tend to be in the house.Recently I have tile on various things.

Indeed, you can use it with skills.It is a scale from the eyes.

The rest is a radio."Radiko.I have a JP skill, and I often listen to Nomura Kunichi's "TUDOR TRAVELLING WITHOUT MOVING". When it comes to time, it will be easy to say "Alexa, J-WAVE".。

The radio is good too.It will be a substitute for BGM, and it may be perfect for lively telework.

But this is the best recommendation, "Hometown Choice".This is a site where you can pay your hometown, but it also supports Alexa skills.

Eh, is the hometown tax payment compatible with Alexa?Doyukoto??

You can pay your hometown tax!

You can pay your hometown tax with a new experience, voice!

Hometown tax payment is that.Donations to the area you want to support, you can get thank -you items, and donations of 2,000 yen or more are deducted from taxes.Isn't it?Editor-in-chief.


Yes Yes.There are various sites where you can pay your hometown tax, but "hometown choice" is one of them.Moreover, only "hometown choice" can apply for donations by using Alexa.Let's actually try it.

First, register as a member on the "Hometown Choice" site.If you log in with an Amazon account, it is easy to register and you can use Amazon Pay for payment, so there is no hassle.

This was over in no time!

Next, it's a setting at Alexa, but when you call out, "Alexa, open your hometown choice", remember that there are the following exchanges only for the first time.


Amazon Pay設定の確認(最終決済確認時に確認)
そして、初めてAlexaで寄付するとき、決済確認時に「Amazon Payで、ふるさとチョイスに、名前、住所、メールアドレスを共有します。規約等はAlexaアプリでご確認ください。同意して続けますか?」と聞かれるので、Alexaアプリを開いてプライバシーポリシーを確認し、「はい」とお答えるだけで完了。また、意図しない注文を避けるために、Alexaアプリの「設定」から4桁の確認コードを設定することも可能。

It's OK!

When the setting is completed, let's look for the thank -you items you want on the "Hometown Choice" site.Select the one that says "Amazon Alexa compatible" in the thank you ID.

I understand.

That's right ... Let's search from the order gourmet first ... oh, the taste of autumn is full and you get lost.Other than gourmet, cooking utensils seem to be good.Then, I've been cooking myself recently, so I wonder if I should make it a "cutting board".

Oh, it's good.All you have to do is tell Alexa the thank you ID on the page.To summarize the series of flow ...

Echo Dotに「アレクサ、ふるさとチョイスを開いて」と話しかけてスキルを起動(※)。案内に従ってお礼の品IDを伝える。
※ Fireタブレットの場合は「アレクサ、ふるさとチョイスのスキルを開いて」と発話してスキルを起動してください 。


「お支払いにAmazon Payを使用します」というメッセージの後、決済が進み寄付が完了。

I'll try it right away!"Alexa, open your hometown choice"

Eh, is this only?Isn't it too easy?

right?All thank you items are not "Amazon Alexa compatible", but when you lie down on the sofa for a while, you zap with "Furusato Choice" and talk to Alexa on the spot if you have a thank -you item you are interested in.The flow is fun and you can do it.It is convenient for those who use hometown tax payment for the first time, and it can be recommended for those who use hometown tax payment all year round or who get a set of thanks every year.

The experience of hometown tax payment by voice is fresh, and it is fun to feel like a dialogue.

Yes Yes.Somehow, there is a different feeling from clinging on the site.It's solid but warm, or if you say "Please give me a thank -you item!"This is also one experience.

There are also campaigns that you cannot miss.If you try it now!

Well, I was surprised to be able to research the use of Alexa for some time, but I could even pay my hometown tax.

Alexa can also be used from smartphone apps, so I would recommend it to everyone, such as those who are concerned about hometown tax payments, those who are already using them all year round, and those who get a set of thanks every year.hey.

Campaign where you can pay taxes at Alexa

If you donate with a voice using your hometown choice skills from the Amazon Echo series, Fire tablet series, etc., you will receive an Amazon gift voucher for up to 3,000 yen!

During the campaign period, if you donate with a voice using your hometown choice skill from the Amazon Echo series, Fire tablet series, etc., you will receive an Amazon gift voucher for 1,000 yen if one donation is 10,000 yen or more.We will receive an Amazon gift voucher for up to 3,000 yen for up to 3 times.


Photo: 小原啓樹
Source: ふるさとチョイス