"8050 problem" that does not allow forecasts "Adult withdrawal-Family with unwanted loneliness- | A-LIFE Co., Ltd. press release

"8050 problem" that does not allow forecasts "Adult withdrawal-Family with unwanted loneliness- | A-LIFE Co., Ltd. press release

私たちはこれまで、引きこもりやセルフネグレクト、心の病気などをきっかけに社会から孤立し、そして誰にも看取られることなくこの世を去った故人の住まいを数多く清掃・整理してきました。ご依頼されるご家族やご親族は決まって「まさかこんなことになるなんて・・・」と言葉を詰まらせておられます。「もう少し気にかけてあげられたら良かった」「(心身や生活を)支えたくても、どうすればいいのかわからなかった」聞こえてくるのは、ご家族のこれまでの苦悩の声。私たちがご依頼主様と言葉を交わし、このような場面に遭遇することは幾度となくありました。大人の引きこもり「8050問題」は、そのひとつです。「望まぬ孤独」に苦しみ、孤独死という結末にいたる事案は、今、急速に増えています。 「引きこもり」が社会問題として認識されたのは1990年代後半とされています。引きこもりという言葉には、若年層を対象としたイメージがつきまといますが、2020年代に突入した現代において、引きこもりは必ずしも若者だけの問題ではありません。 内閣府の実施した「生活状況に関する調査(平成30年度)」からは、40歳から64歳までの引きこもりが全国に約61万人いるとの推測ができます。

From the 2018 Cabinet Office "Survey on Living Status"

若年層の引きこもり問題が解決されないまま長期化、高齢化するに連れて表面化した社会問題が8050問題であり、80代の親が50代の子供の暮らしを経済的に支える家庭状況およびその状態から「8050問題」と呼ばれるようになりました。このような中高年の引きこもりは、家庭における収入の柱が80代の高齢者であるため経済的に逼迫しやすく、また親に介護が必要になった場合や親が先に死去した場合、社会から隔絶された一家は悲惨な状況に陥ってしまう恐れがあります。引きこもり状態にあることに悩み苦しむのは当事者だけではなく、その家族も同じなのです。 関西クリーンサービスは遺品整理・ゴミ屋敷清掃・特殊清掃などのサービスを展開しているため現場で8050問題を目の当たりにすることも少なくありません。特殊清掃をおこなった際の実際の事案を紹介いたします。現場は、大阪府の集合住宅でした。母娘の二人暮らしをしていた家庭で、娘さんは40代の引きこもりでした。依頼主によると、数年前に可愛がっていたペットの犬が亡くなり、その後80代のお母さんが高齢による老衰で亡くなられたそうです。そして1人になった娘さんは、お母さんの後を追うようにして1年後に孤独死しました。ベッドの上で誰にも看取られることなく、死後約三週間が経過して発見された現場は腐敗の匂いや体液が残っていました。娘さんは学生時代から登校拒否などがあり、次第に社会との接点を失い長期の引きこもりになっていたようです。「仕事はしていなかった。生活保護を受けて、昼夜逆転の生活を送っていた。」そう話すのは依頼主である亡くなった娘さんのお姉さん。弊社が話を聞かせていただく中でお姉さんの言っていた次の言葉が印象的でした。「妹の引きこもりの状況はわかっていたけど、もう大人だし、私が金銭面や生活を支援すると甘えて社会復帰がさらに難しくなると思っていた」ここに8050問題の難しさと悲惨さがあると痛感します。引きこもりの期間が長くなると、それが更に引きこもりの原因となり、自立を願うがゆえに家族も安易に手を差し伸べることができないのです。また現場には、お母さんと娘さんが日常的なやりとりをしていたメモ・手紙が数多く残されていました。「久しぶりにやきめし作りました。よければどうぞ」「お母さんありがとう」など娘さんからお母さんに宛てたと思われる手紙からは、母娘が支え合って暮らしていた様子が伝わってきます。家族を癒すペット、家族のために作る食事、感謝の言葉…引きこもりがいる家庭は決して特別なものではなく、どこにでもいる当たり前の家族なのです。一方で “誓約書”と記された一枚の紙にはこのように書かれていました。「もう死ぬって言いません。過去の事も一斉言いません。」「お母さんを傷付ける事をしないように考えて言動します」故人が、心の拠りどころとなり生活を支えてくれた母に感謝しつつも自分を責め、誓約書のような内容を書かなければいけない状況にあったことは、引きこもりの方とその家族の間には常に現状と将来に対する不安があったのだと考えられます。ここで紹介した母娘のケースは、普通に生活する中で生じた小さな歪みが引きこもり状態を生み、長期にわたって放置されることで8050問題を形成し、悲しい結末を迎えてしまったのだと感じます。

We, who have many opportunities to engage in sites such as lonely death, have a sense of crisis on the 8050 problem. And I believe that the following factors that have a miserable ending of the 8050 problem are: • Accepting withdrawal is financially burdensome, and there is a risk of delaying the return to society, so relatives may be difficult to take care of and help financially. • As the withdrawal is prolonged, the contact with others and society will be lost, making it difficult to return to society. • Elderly parents and withdrawal children are difficult to notice problems from outside because the closed situation becomes serious. • You are ashamed that your family is withdrawn, and you often refuse to engage with others, making it difficult to ask for help. In recent years, due to the influence of corona infections, the number of opportunities to meet each other among relatives has decreased, and the number of cleaning and sorting requests for lonely deaths brought to us is increasing rapidly. I feel that these social situations have spurred the miserable ending of the 8050 problem. Therefore, I think it is important to have an early access to an elderly parent and a family with withdrawal children from the outside early.

Following the 8050 problem, which began to expose the seriousness with the aging and prolonged withdrawal, the Kansai Clean Service conducted an awareness survey on "withdrawal".Introduction, those who answered that "family or relatives are withdrawn" in a survey for men and women nationwide in their 30s and 80s..It was 3 %.The following is the age distribution and withdrawal period distribution of the withdrawal.

Graph ①

From this result, 30 people over 50 years old.It accounts for the highest percentage of 1 %, and for the age of 40 and over, about 61 % of the total, the aging population is remarkable.Furthermore, when we conducted a survey on those who have been withdrawn in their family or relatives in their 40s and over, it has been found that many of them have been losing for more than 10 years.The longer the period, the higher the percentage, and the survey results were exactly the case in the 8050 problem.

So what cause withdrawal is born?

The answer is that they couldn't belong to a specific community, "I didn't work well in the workplace".The survey resulted in the number of withdrawals that start with these and "illness".It is often difficult to see from the outside or a mental illness, which may be difficult to understand from society and surroundings.The cause of the withdrawal is a matter of course in everyday life, and it seems that people who are withdrawn have some concerns about communication with others.

It is not easy to get out of such withdrawal without family support or external special support.The following surveys are the results of whether you have any experience with your family and relatives to support the withdrawal issues.

予断を許さない「8050問題」大人の引きこもり ~望まない孤独を抱えた家族~|A-LIFE株式会社のプレスリリース

Surprisingly, more than 70 % of people have not consulted in the first place.The reasons for this were more than 50 %, saying, "I didn't know the consultation," and "I couldn't find any support that would lead to a solution."Under these circumstances, what exactly is the support that the withdrawal family really needs?

As a necessary support to resolve withdrawal, more than 50 % for "financial support" and more than 45 % for "support for the feelings and recovery of the person".In this questionnaire survey, the problem of aging and prolonged withdrawal was highlighted, and it has become clear that consultation and support with outside are not sufficient.

Here are the voices of those who have withdrawal from the questionnaire survey to their families and relatives. The true intention of the family who had been worried and encouraged with him for a long time was painful. "There are people who always become kind and become friends somewhere. I understand that I'm ashamed, but I want you to consult and do something first. If you don't have any contact with anyone, the situation will not work. If you repeat, the situation will change. "(Men in their 40s, men)" I want you to be able to interact with the surrounding things without being trapped in the shell, do not be stubborn, and from that shell. "I want you to go one step away." (Men in their 70s) "I'm in trouble economically." If you turn, you will always see the light even if it is small. "(Men in their forties)" I want you to go forward, even half steps, as it is time to stop. "(Firth, woman, woman)" As a parent, I want to live calmly without irritation as much as possible. I am worried about my parents' death, so I want you to be financially independent. " Women) "What if I say it, I can speak normally. I don't know." (40s, female)

Our company, which is always looking at the terrible lonely death site, has a sense of crisis that is strong in the seriousness of the 8050 problem. As long as the 8050 problem gets worse in the closed environment, there must be a timing to reach out somewhere. We believe that it is very important to keep telling the message, "I do not need to be ashamed of withdrawal, and I want you to consult with the surroundings and government early to avoid miserable ending." And if your family and relatives have a similar situation to the 8050 problem, I would like you to act early without overlooking them. Accepting a withdrawal person in your home is not easy because it involves financial burden. However, it is also true that the short period of time from society will make it easier to find a job or a new society. Take action as much as possible to avoid miserable ending.

[Inquiry window] https: // www.K-Clean.JP/ ESTIMATE/ ■ Company name: Kansai Clean Service [Operation A-LIFE Co., Ltd.] ■ Location: 3-16-39 Fukae Kita, Higashinari-ku, Osaka ■ Representative: Noriyuki Kamezawa ■ Phone number: 0120-673-373 ■Homepage: https: // www.K-Clean.JP/[Society] In 2007, we will respond to Kansai Clean Service in Osaka, Kyoto and Nara, and respond to requests for "relics arrangement" and "garbage mansion".Opened General Recycling Shop Buy Toyodo in Nara City in 2017 In the 2017 Psychological Defective Properties / Accident Properties Forted Filfort Co., Ltd. Filfort Co., Ltd.In 2020, 2021, in the survey of Tokyo Commerce and Industry Research, requested for the third consecutive year in the investigation of the "Remains Organization Business" Kansai NO.1を取得調査概要:8050問題に関する調査調査期間:2021年10月5日-2021年10月14日調査方法:インターネット調査モニター提供元:日本コンシューマーリサーチ調査人数:654人(Graph ①1244人)調査対象: 40代以上の引きこもりの方がいる30代~80代の全国の男女(本人含む)(Graph ①30代~80代の全国の男女)