A new Let's Note optimized for "home + office work".What is "PC for a variety of ways of working" that Panasonic is particular about?

A new Let's Note optimized for "home + office work".What is "PC for a variety of ways of working" that Panasonic is particular about?

 How do you manage the PCs of employees working away from the office?In the past, the worries of the ICT environment, which used to be apparent in a limited scale, business format, and occupational companies, are now a challenge for all companies.Needless to say, the factor is that the base of telework has spread significantly.


 It is relatively easy to deal with if you concentrate on one office, such as a computer virus that continues to evolve every day, a security update to protect from malware, and a response to machine problems that are difficult for users to solve.However, if each employee is in a different place such as working at home, that will not remain.

 The advantage of "Intel VPRO Platform", which enables reliable security measures and efficient remote management, is useful in such situations.And in the user base and usage scenes targeted by the PC, it has a hardware and software that can maximize the potential of the Intel VPRO platform, which is an extremely important point under recent teleworks.It should come.

 What is a PC that can bring out the potential of such an Intel VPRO platform?Panasonic's Let's Note Series, which has been closely collaborated with Intel for many years.I would like to explore the way VPRO -equipped laptops are used as an example of a corporate model for the "FV Series" which was newly released as a summer 2021 summer model.

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  1. 「在宅メイン、オフィスワークが週数回」のユーザーに向けたモデル
  2. ウェブ会議を快適に、AIを駆使した音声機能「COMFORTALK」とネットワーク性能
  3. OS外への攻撃までも防ぐvProならではの万全のセキュリティ
  4. vPro搭載FVシリーズはIT管理者の業務効率化も実現
  5. レッツノートのこだわりとvProで、これからの時代にマッチする業務環境に