ASCII Startup After Corona The SaaS for local governments that change the office window is expanding

ASCII Startup After Corona The SaaS for local governments that change the office window is expanding

 Grapher Co., Ltd. is a startup that develops and operates the “Graffor Smart Application” that will be the infrastructure, aiming for digital change in administrative services.The company aims to become an administrative infrastructure used for 130 million people by making it easy to use the current difficult -to -use electronic application system from a smartphone.This time, we talked to Mr. Daichi Ishii, Representative Director of Grapher Co., Ltd., with the history of making "GRAFFER Smart Application" and future prospects.

Mr. Daichi Ishii, Representative Director of Grapher Co., Ltd.

Working on products that can easily use administrative services

 Graphers were founded in 2017 with a mission to make it easy to use difficult analog administrative services online."GRAFFER Form" will be released in 2018, which can request personal certificates such as a resident's card, family register, and a transfer notification, and in 2019, get a seal certificate and a copy of the registry online."Writing request" is released.In 2020, he released "GRAFFER Smart Application".

GRAFFER Smart application

 Grafer products are focusing on improving the processing of individuals, businesses and administrative procedures.The feature is that the hurdle for use is lowered so that it can be operated with a smartphone, as well as a PC.In the past, the troubles of going directly to the government office, writing the necessary information on the prescribed documents, and submitting it to the counter can be easily completed with a smartphone.

 It is a product suitable for time, under the influence of the recent corona wirus, where people must be careful not to be crowded.

 "There is already an administrative electronic application service, but the general public has hardly used it," says Ishii.

 The reason is that the existing electronic application service is very difficult to use.For example, existing services are a PC -based layout, and to read My Number Cards, you need to purchase and set up an IC card reader.Graphers are creating services to easily perform such procedures.

ASCIIスタートアップ アフターコロナの役所窓口を変える自治体向けSaaSが拡大中

GRAFFER Corporate Certificate request

 2019年2月にリリースした「GRAFFER Corporate Certificate request」は、登記事項証明書や印鑑証明書をオンラインで請求できるサービスで、今一番使われているという。コロナウィルスの影響で融資を受ける企業が増え、書類の取り寄せニーズが高まっているためだ。こちらは手数料でのビジネスとなるが、売り上げも順調に伸びている。

 そして、2020年4月7日に「GRAFFER Smart application」を正式リリースした。こちらは2019年8月に大阪府四條畷市で実証実験を行なったサービスの正式版となる。住民票の交付請求をオンラインで受け付け、クレジットカードで手数料を支払い、住民票を郵送してもらう仕組みだ。

 The demo video shows the procedure for acquiring a resident card, but it is a service that can be used in any procedure.There is no need to install the app because you apply from the web.It is possible to use My Number for procedures that require identity verification, but in that case an application for electronic signature is required.

 現在「GRAFFER Smart application」は、自治体からの申し込みを受け付けているフェーズとなっている。なお、マイナンバーカードの国内での取得率は現時点で約2割程度。そもそもの使い勝手が悪かったこともあるが、このようなメリットが見えてくると、取得の意味も変わってくるのではないだろうか。

There is a wall of law and ordinances to introduce a system to local governments

 It seems to have released services for local governments smoothly, but this is not so easy.Just because it is a convenient service, introducing it to the country or local government is not easy.

 「『GRAFFER Corporate Certificate request』を作ってから、国や自治体の人と会う機会が増えた。情報交換をする中で、自治体にシステムを導入できそうだということがわかり、2018年11月、鎌倉市に『手続きガイド』という製品を入れた」(石井氏)

 When you have local governments introduce a system, you need to understand the laws and ordinances.Even if you create a convenient service, you will not be able to introduce it unless it matches the system.For this reason, the grapher contracts with a major law firm from an early stage.We thoroughly investigated laws and regulations and exchanged information with local governments, creating products together.

 Of course, when you actually introduce it to a municipality, you will need to go through a fair process, so you will bid for a bid or a proposal.Although there are competing large companies, Ishii still shows confidence in the service.

 According to Ishii, there are two points when developing local government systems.First, the network.The terminals that do administrative duties are not directly connected to the Internet, and are connected to the LGWAN (LOCAL Government Wide Area Network) general administrative network.A security design to connect there is required.

 The other is how to verify your identity in digital.If you apply for a small application, you may need to log in with your ID and password, but if you get a private information certificate or receive a benefit, you need to be strictly verified.Therefore, the grapher built a scheme that allows electronic sign with My Number Card to comply with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

 At present, the service is focused on improving the procedure, but in the future it is also considering the efficiency of government back -end business processing.Although there is a balance of personal information protection, it is possible to reduce the items listed by reusing the input information.