"People who control AI control the future" Investment in the AI Revolution is the key to the rise in NAV -Softbank Group Co., Ltd.

"People who control AI control the future" Investment in the AI Revolution is the key to the rise in NAV -Softbank Group Co., Ltd.

On November 9, 2020, SoftBank Group Co., Ltd. held a briefing session for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2021.Masayoshi Son, Chairman and Executive Officer and President, talked about the second quarter of their achievements, the overview of the important indicators "NAV", and the direction that the SoftBank Group should proceed in the future.

You can see the value of the SoftBank Group by looking at "NAV"

The grandson simply explained the consolidated achievements in the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 202, with only two slides.Net income is about 4 compared to the same period of the previous year.It was 5 times, 1,883.2 billion yen, recorded a record high as the same period.He explained that the factors were recovered in the vision fund business.

On the other hand, the indicator of the SoftBank Group is "NAV (Net Asset Value)", which has almost the same meaning as "shareholder value", and says "Our value can be understood by looking at NAV".Emphasis."SoftBank Group's NAV is 157 times in the past 18 years 27.He said that it was 3 trillion yen. "

Those who control AI control the future

The grandson, who talked about the potential of AI, then played one video.The content of the video was at the financial results briefing in May 2008, which stated that "Mobile Internet -controlled people control the Internet. Asia -controlled those who control the world."My grandson thinks that this remark is generally obtained. Today, I want to leave a word to indicate where SoftBank is going for the next 10 years. That is "AI winning the future". "He talked about the size of the hidden impact.

「Those who control AI control the future」AI革命への投資がNAV上昇の鍵を握る-ソフトバンクグループ株式会社 2021年3月期 第2四半期 決算説明会レポート

The evolution of AI has reached "reasoning" and "creation"

Grandchildren mention that AI has evolved not only as "calculation" and "records", but also to "understanding", "reasoning", and "creation", and the execution speed of GPU performance is 9 times in 4 years.He said that the efficiency of the learning algorithm has increased 8 times in a year and the evolution of computing in NVIDIA.As a specific case, we introduced advanced cases in mobility and medical fields from among the destinations of SoftBank Vision Fund.

In autonomous driving, we introduce the patterns that are delivered while recognizing and inferming road signs.He said that when they were real, 11 % of GDPs around the world would change the common sense of "mobility", which carries and carry things.

AI to predict heart failure with 99%accuracy

In the United States, the clinical practice of heart disease, which is the top cause of death, has already been introduced in a case where AI analysis of patient data has already been predicted with high accuracy of 99 % 14 days ago.He expressed his expectations for about 10 % of GDPs in GDP, such as the most optimal medication, re -hospitalization, and decreasing medical expenses.

In addition, as an investor who supports information revolutions in the AI Revolution, he clarified his attitude of investing not only unicorn companies but also listed companies, and shows the investment method and investment status.

Change management system to strengthen governance

Finally, as part of a continuous initiative aimed at enhancing governance in the world, the SoftBank Group will be changed to a new management system, the ratio of outside directors will increase, and internal officers will concentrate on the execution side.He concluded the financial results briefing that he would divide his role as a board of directors and to strengthen governance.


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